Firewood Information
Want to know more about the firewood before purchasing? All firewood is available for delivery or pickup. If you have a truck and want to come get the wood then come on out and we will be glad to help you load up. If you prefer to let us handle everything but the lighting of the fire then schedule a delivery on our delivery site.
Oak Firewood

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
Oak wood is one of the more widely used and most versatile hardwoods available for smoking due to its mild flavor and not giving off too bold of smoke taste to your dish, as well as producing a clean, consistent burn. Recommended for use on all types and cuts of Red Meat, Poultry, and Pork. Oak is the most versatile wood for smoking. Produces a medium smoke flavor to your meats that is not overpowering. For smoking in smokers, grills, fire pits, and camping fires. Gives off a great, long lasting heat output for fireplaces and stoves.
Pecan Firewood

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
Pecan wood is stronger than most fruit wood, but milder than hickory and mesquite. Pecan is ideal when grilling poultry but infuses a nice flavor to any cut of meat.
Pecan will lend a rich, sweet, nutty flavor. In fact, the wood is so sweet that you may want to use a combination of it with another harder wood.
Mesquite Firewood

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
Mesquite firewood is often prized by many people because it ability to create a hot fire with long lasting coals. The dense hardwood burns clean and creates minimal sparks, making it a popular choice for heating your home, campfires and cooking.
Mesquite is probably best known for it's cooking and smoking qualities. The wood fills your food with a sweet smoky flavor that's hard to resist.
What kind of food can you cook, smoke or grill with mesquite? Almost anything. Steak, hamburgers, fish and pork all taste great with mesquite.
New Mexico Pine

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
Pine firewood is easy to burn and produces good flames that make it a decent choice of firewood for fireplaces and campfires. But being a low density softwood it burns fast and has a low BTU rating so it’s not the best wood for wood stoves and home heating. It ignites easily and makes good kindling especially if the pieces are resinous (pitchy).
Cedar Firewood

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
Cedar makes just about the best natural kindling you can get. It splits easily, lights easily and burns hot. It also spits and crackles so it is not good in an open fireplace.
Hickory Firewood

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
The “king” of smoking woods – Hickory is preferred by most barbecue restaurants, because it produces a strong, smokey bacon/ham like flavor.
Hickory Firewood Hickory is a very dense, heavy, straight grained tree making it an excellent choice for firewood.
Hickory: The wood of choice for Southern barbecue. It imparts strong, hearty flavors to meats and is used mostly to smoke pork shoulders and ribs.
Hickory firewood is one of the top choices for many people and often thought of as the number one species for firewood. The tree can live for up to 300 years and grow up to 100 feet tall. Hickory is a very hard dense wood making it difficult to cut and split.
Pinon Firewood

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
Pinion wood is a popular firewood used for outdoor fireplaces and chimineas. Pinion pine wood is sometimes called the hardwood of softwoods. Even though it is technically a softwood, it is harder, more dense, and has a higher BTU than most softwoods.
Pinion firewood is popular for outdoor fires because of its nice pine aroma. The scent of both the unburned and burning wood is sometimes described as giving the feeling of being outdoors. The wood is also clean burning, easy to light, puts out plenty of heat, burns long and produces little ash. Pinion pine wood is claimed to be a mosquito repellent when burned. Some will burn the wood outdoors just to keep the bugs away.
Pinion wood comes from the pinyon pine tree, also spelled pinion or piñon. Pinyon pine trees grow in dry regions of Mexico and the south western United States, mainly in the high mountains of the Colorado Plateau in New Mexico and Arizona. It tends to grow in areas that are too dry for ponderosa pine and is often found mixed with juniper.
Pinyon pine is a small, slow growing tree, usually only 10-30 feet in height. The seeds are edible and important for wildlife. Native Americans used pinyon pine nuts as a staple food and today the nuts are considered a delicacy by many. The pine nuts you buy in the store are usually from pinyon pine trees.
Cherry Firewood

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
Cherry wood is one of the most popular woods to burn in fireplaces due to its pleasant, non-smoky aroma when its available. It is very east to split, tends to burn at a medium heat, and does not produce much smoke. However, it tends to spark a little more than the average hardwood and can cost a little more than the average wood.
One of the main reasons individuals choose cherry wood for their fires is the pleasing aroma, which is sweeter than other hardwoods without being cloying. You can burn cherry in a fireplace or wood stove in your home to add a bit of seasonal fragrance to your entire house.
Individuals also use cherry wood for cooking fires because the smoke imbues meats and vegetables with a unique flavor. You might purchase cherry wood for use in a smoker and pair the wood with slow-cooked ribs, for example.
Cherry is a slow burning wood that makes a good choice when you want long-lasting ambiance out of your fires. Use cherry indoors to bring crackling flames to the entire evening or outdoors to keep the fire roaring easily while everyone toasts marshmallows.
Basket of pine/pinon stove wood

Schedule a delivery or if you prefer come on out to the wood yard and we will get you loaded up.
The stove wood consist of pieces of pine and pinon in shorter lengths. The lengths very between 3-10 inches with most of the pieces being about 6 inches. The basket is slightly less than half a cord. This wood will not stack well so when delivered it will need to be placed into a pile and not stacked. The stove wood is great for getting a fire started or use in a fire pit. They are suitable for inside or out.
Firewood Racks

Fire and ice offers custom built firewood racks that will last a very very long time. The racks are made out of 1 1/2 square tubing and painted black. The racks are 14 inches wide and depeding on the lenght have several legs for support. We weld angle iron on the feet to keep the feet of the rack from sinking in the mud.
Package Products

.75 cubic feet per bundle.